Freshwater fish down 76% in just 50 years
The Living Planet Index for Migratory Freshwater Fish (TNC, WWF, World Fish Migration Foundation and others) shows that populations of river fish around the world have dropped by 76% since 1970.
Bad for fish and bad for the freshwater they live in because they are an integral part of the ecosystem, keeping the water clean and clear. They are also a crucial part of human diets and the overall food chain.
While the report focuses on dams as having an outsized impact and dam removal being crucial, pesticides washing into streams and rivers are also killing fish. Both directly, and also by fertilizers causing algae blooms that suffocate the fish and destroy the ecosystem. If we manage our yards without these chemicals and convince our communities to do the same we can help protect these fish. Our work on the Mississippi will help the freshwater fish of the Mississippi River. Another good reason to work together on the Mississippi River Watershed, and a watershed near you.